This site is hosted by the Flight Dynamics Branch of the NASA Launch Services Program (LSP) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and is provided as a source of general information regarding the launch vehicle performance available via the primary NASA Launch Services (NLS) Contract. The terms and conditions of NLS are specific to the agency's requirements; therefore, performance and other capabilities/services often differ from what is advertised by providers and/or offered by commercial or other contracts. Please use caution and note the underlying launch vehicle configuration and mission design assumptions associated with the performance plots as the site is updated when new information becomes available. Mission unique requirements often necessitate additional analysis and will impact the performance levels. For further information, contact LSP Personnel.
If you would like to receive updates about this site, including notices of interruptions in availability and changes to contract vehicles/performance, please join our email list by sending a message to:
This site is not intended to support missions that have already been awarded a launch service or those that are scheduled to launch under other NASA contracts. The following missions have either been awarded a launch service under the NLS contract or are in the process of procuring the launch service. If you are visiting this site with regard to one of these missions, contact the assigned LSP Mission Manager to obtain mission specific performance analysis support:
- Europa Clipper
- Sentinel-6B
- Roman Space Telescope (RST)